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"At Bullpen we understand the need to be heard. Every print created brings forth a story of emotions that are loudest to one. And to complement such an idea we made a series of Trendy apparel with the sole motto of “Being Happy”! "

We wanted to create a brand that is full of prints, after a vigorous brainstorming on what the story should be; there were so many emotions involved when it clicked to us that this is what we were looking for “Raw emotions”

Bullpen is a fashion brand that focuses on creating conversation around “Unfiltered Emotions”


Bullpen was solely crafted with the idea of how you want to feel the entire day. The idea was simple; embrace every motion that you feel when you look at yourself in the mirror first thing in the morning. We knew that making every individual understand, the courage to accept and hug every feeling wasn’t going to be easy; hence we started penning down those emotions into prints. Every Print assembled is an idea of how every emotion, and every feeling is beautiful and one should never shy away from wearing them up their sleeves. It talks about the highs and lows and everything around it. We know no one is perfect and no one has to be. It is all about realizing that the down makes the ups.

It took us months to visualize and produce a series of prints that speak volumes. At Bullpen we understand the need to be heard. Every print created brings forth a story of emotions that are loudest to one another. And to complement such an idea we made a series of Trendy apparel with the sole motto of “Being Happy”!


How do we communicate?

We talk with our Prints. Head over to our Collection and read about our prints.

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